This is how you can engage
2. LinkedIn:
Feel free to also share your photo on LinkedIn with #NotControversial messages.
You can find our quotes in both Swedish and English here.
Try to create the image yourself, or with the help of a friend 💛. If that doesn’t work, we’ll create the image for you 💕 You can find information on how to do this on our Instagram.
3. More opportunities to move from words to action:
It's #NotControversial that we use our power to influence.
Here you will find tips on how you can take action, at your workplace including information on corporate responsibility in contexts of human rights, genocide, and war crimes:
In addition to demanding accountability and speaking up you can also support organizations advocating for a ceasefire and ensuring all emergency aid reaches the ones in need. Here are links to five organizations you can get involved with or support:
Listen to the recording of the launch of Not Controversial Sweden.
This event focus on the situation in Gaza, and how and why you can get involved:
Participants include, among others:
. Kristina Bolstad Picard, one of the initiators of #ikkekontroversiellt in Norway
. Professor Morten Kjaerum, former director of the Raoul Wallenberg Institute for Human Rights and Humanitarian Law
. Yasemin Arhan Modéer, CEO of Altitude Meetings
. Lotta Sylwander, program director at UNICEF
A warm thank you to everyone who contributed to and participated in the launch at Altitude Meetings in Malmö. We're now underway, and your participation is needed to collectively create a strong movement within #NotControversial.